Loading Issues
Having trouble loading a Stack? We have compiled the most common things to check below.
Content Being Updated
In rare instances where new content is being submitted for a Stack (via a CMS update) a small window may exist where the Stack is inaccessible for several moments until that new content has been fully submitted. In these instances, simply waiting a few moments, and refreshing your browser, will resolve the issue.
Stable Internet Connection
Is your internet connection stable? If you have a poor signal on a Wi-Fi network, and drop outs are experienced, this may affect your ability to load a Stack in full.
Slow Internet Connection
If your internet has minimal bandwidth, and load times are unusually long (e.g. 5 minutes or more), you may experience server drop outs.
Any reasonable ADSL or greater, or 4G signal or greater (with 3+ bars of signal strength) should be sufficient to load a Stack.
For more in-depth internet speed checking, please provide your results from https://www.speedtest.net/ to Inspace Support.
See Support Matrices for specific bandwidth benchmarks we recommend.
Browser Compatibility
See Support Matrices for our specific web browser matrices.
Also to check specifically in this regard is whether the browser being used has WebGL 2+
and/or hardware acceleration
enabled. See below.
Hardware Acceleration
Debugging whether hardware acceleration is being used can be determined via the Stack Debugger subdomain for any live Stack (e.g.: Inspace Stack).
To verify hardware acceleration is enabled, the machine has to check these 2 things:
That the
WebGL version
is set to 2 or greater in the System Info.The
at the bottom represents the video card and low-level graphics API of the operating system (you’ll need to hover over the Driver value to see the full text); if hardware acceleration is not enabled, the Driver value will represent a value indicative of a fallback CPU option.
Hardware Compatibility
Any modern smartphone or PC/laptop from the year 2015
onwards will be sufficient to render an average Stack as a minimum. For PCs and laptops, a video card with at least 1GB worth of VRAM is the minimum recommended specification.
Sometimes the assets themselves we provide may not be sufficiently optimised, and will incur poor performance regardless of hardware and internet connection.
Real-time Rendering
For real-time rendered 3D assets, see: WebGL 1/2 Geometry Guidelines & Support Matrices
iOS at present also have their own suite of strict thresholds compared to Android.
Poor Loading Troubleshooting Steps
Generally we recommend performing a https://www.speedtest.net/ from the device which your experiencing poor download times.
We can then compare your numbers with ours to get a good gauge on whether your bandwidth simply isn't sufficient for effective load times, or whether other factors are at play, to which we may consider:
Are your Stack/s larger than average due to specific complexities? and if so, we could serve up more optimised links (less complex models or lower-res textures) that load faster
What's your regional location? we could temporarily host your content on a CDN geographically closer to you, and see if your load times improve over our standard CDN distribution network on Azure
If you have your own hosting environment that's locally faster, and are willing to host your own Stack models/content, we can point a Stack link/s to your hosting environment, rather than ours